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Business Owners Insurance



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A Business Owners Policy (BOP) combines business property and business liability insurance into one convenient policy. We’ll work with you to design coverage that protects your business from a variety of risks, unique to your industry.


Because your business faces the unexpected on a daily basis, there are always risks involved. 无论是对你的财产或客户的损害或损失的风险, 保护企业的唯一方法就是制定正确的政策. With the convenience of a BOP, you can minimize the risks and focus on the future of your business.

Two coverages in one policy.

企业所有者保险单简称为BOP. 这是合适的,因为它提供了一个组合拳. 这是一种综合保险,包括两种类型的保险.

Includes property insurance.

第一种是财产保险. Property insurance covers risks associated with your business’ premises, equipment and vehicles. 此外,它通常包括任何相关的业务损失. This is an essential coverage because it ensures your business, assets, and income are protected. For instance, here are a few of the coverages to consider in your business owners policy:

  • Fire
  • Flooding
  • Theft
  • Accidental Damage
  • Loss of Income
  • Loss/Damage of Property
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Business Owners Policy (BOP)
Risk Factor

作为一个企业主,你一直在努力建立一个稳固的企业. 但是当意外发生的时候? Are you covered?


A business owners policy is uniquely designed to protect your most important assets, including your business, its continuation, your employees, and your way of life. Discuss the details of this coverage with your agent and ensure that you're protected.

Risk Factor

如果你为他人提供服务, you are at risk of not doing the work correctly (errors) or not doing it at all (omissions). Lawsuits can arise claiming the error or omission harmed your client and caused them a financial loss.


Errors and omissions liability insurance protects any business that gives advice, makes educated recommendations, designs solutions, 或代表他人的需要. 如果你为客户提供服务,确保你有这个重要的覆盖范围.

Risk Factor

Directors and officers (such as board members) are exposed to increased risk factors and are held accountable for acts that claim negligence in the performance of their duties. Any resulting lawsuits are typically expensive to defend, resulting in potentially large settlements.


获得全面的保障,以保护公司的高级人员. Directors and officers liability insurance provides coverage for the legal costs to defend a covered lawsuit and provides the money necessary for any settlement beyond the defense costs.

Commercial Umbrella
Risk Factor

What happens when your business faces a large liability loss that exceeds the basic limit of your standard policy?


商业伞形保险单提供高保险限额, typically between $2,000,000 and $10,000,000. 保险范围扩大到你的一般责任保险, workers' compensation, business auto, 以及董事和高级职员的责任保险. It provides a great safety net and helps ensure your business is well protected.

General Liability
Risk Factor

企业容易受到许多风险的影响, 比如身体伤害索赔, property damage, personal injury, and more.


一般责任保险对任何企业来说都是绝对必要的. 当你被认为负有责任时,它提供了广泛的保险, and will also pay to defend any covered lawsuit or action regardless of its merit.

Crime and Fidelity Bond
Risk Factor

What will you do if one of your trusted employees is found guilty of doing something dishonest?


Crime and fidelity coverage is designed to provide coverage for employee dishonesty, forgery and depository, theft, destruction and disappearance, and more. 与您的代理讨论这个覆盖范围的细节,以了解更多.

Environmental Insurance
Risk Factor

你的生意会对环境造成破坏吗? If so, are you covered?


Environmental insurance provides protection if an environmental catastrophe occurs.

Systems Breakdown
Risk Factor

随着技术在当今世界执行许多任务, 崩溃会造成严重的经济负担, 包括修理设备的费用, 中断你的业务, 还有收入损失和额外开支.


Comprehensive coverage provides protection against equipment mechanical breakdown. 与你的保险代理人讨论保险范围的细节.

Workers' Compensation
Risk Factor

If one of your employees receives an injury or becomes ill due to a work-related occurrence, 法律要求你有适当的保险.


Workers' compensation protects your employees should a job-related injury or sickness occur during the course of employment. This coverage is required by law, so be sure that you understand your obligations.

Business Auto Insurance
Risk Factor

An auto accident can cause bodily injury or property damage to others for which you are responsible, 可能会让你的企业陷入财务危机.


Business auto insurance provides coverage for vehicles owned or leased by a commercial enterprise and provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and other coverages, 包括综合保险和碰撞保险.

Risk Factor

On average, it's estimated that three out of five businesses will be sued by their employees. 虽然你无法阻止别人提起诉讼, 你可以做一些事情来限制为法律索赔辩护的成本.


Obtain employment practices liability insurance to protect your business and its directors, officers, 以及涉嫌雇佣相关行为的雇员,比如非法解雇, failure to promote, discrimination, and sexual harassment.

Cyber Liability
Risk Factor

互联网编织了一张全新的责任暴露网. E-commerce, social networking, cloud storage, 其他技术也为大型和小型企业带来了巨大的好处. 但这些好处也带来了挑战, including protection of privacy, data, 以及客户的财务信息.


Cyber liability coverage covers unauthorized access to electronic data or software within your network. 它还为病毒的传播提供了覆盖范围, computer theft, extortion, or any unintentional act, mistake, error, or omission made by an employee. This coverage is quickly becoming more and more important as you embrace technology to help run your businesses.

Business Income
Risk Factor

如果一场火灾影响了你的生意,你会怎么做? 或者如果管道泄漏导致系统中断或延长停机时间怎么办? These and other events can destroy your ability to serve clients and bring in revenue, 哪些因素会对企业的生存能力产生重大的长期影响.


Business income insurance compensates you for lost income if the business cannot operate as normal due to damage that is covered under your commercial property insurance policy, such as fire or water damage. 商业中断保险涵盖了你本可以赚取的收入, based on your financial records, had the incident not occurred. 该保险还包括运营费用, like electricity, 即使商业活动暂时停止,这种情况仍在继续.

Commercial Property
Risk Factor

你的商业财产是一项重要的财务投资. 如果它出了什么事怎么办?


Commercial property insurance can help protect the property your business owns or leases, including things like equipment, inventory, furniture, and fixtures. 无论你是拥有自己的办公大楼还是租用自己的办公空间, commercial property insurance can be purchased separately or can be combined with other necessary coverage to protect your business’ physical assets.


第二种是责任保险. 责任保险涵盖你所接触的人及其财产的损失. However, it’s important to note that liability insurance usually doesn’t cover risks related to professional services–meaning damages that result from you giving clients inaccurate advice, for instance. The liability coverage included in your business owners policy is a necessity, especially if:

  • 你在你的公司或他们的公司会见你的客户.
  • 你可以接触到客户的设备.
  • 存在人员或企业受损的风险.

Getting a business owners policy (BOP) means covering all these risks in one go, 这能显著减轻压力,让你内心平静. 策略通常是定制的,以满足您的特定需求, 价格取决于你的业务. 但是,这通常比为每个元素单独购买保险要便宜.


Designing a business owners policy that works best for you and your business is what we do best. We are focused on understanding your business so we can develop the right policy to protect your business, income, and assets. 最重要的是,我们希望你的生意成功. 找到合适的防喷器覆盖范围,以满足您的需求是最好的起点.

So, no matter what kind of business your run, consider the benefits of business owners insurance. 从初创企业到成熟企业,我们将为您制定定制计划. Contact us today to get started!


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